Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Kon-Mari Tidying Up Update

Last post was a book review of Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Well, here would be the updates of what my husband and I did since then.

This would be our closet where is has all of mine and my husband's clothes, including our winter clothes and jackets. They all fit in the closet! And it's not a walk-in closet either.

It's our sock drawer, scarves, loungewear and my husband's idea of folding his pants and shorts. At least he did purge the drawer. They're all pretty and you can see what is in your drawers at first glance because of the folding method Kondo suggested. I'm not showing you our underwear drawers, you get the idea.

Our bookshelf looks much better and you  can tell what is behind the front stacks or easily move them. Our cookbooks are in a different spot, but those were reduced too. Can you tell what we like to read?

This pile is what we're getting rid of, and that's mostly just the clothes and books. There's a few other items too, but we're not even to the miscellaneous (Komono) section yet. We do have a deadline of Sept 19 to get it all done for our huge neighborhood yard sale. Might as well get some money off of it before the rest goes to the thrift store.

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